
Years Ago
41 Members38 Watchers

Organized Nightmares | 9 | by GT-Kathryn, literature

Organized Nightmares | 8 | by GT-Kathryn, literature

Organized Nightmares | 7 | by GT-Kathryn, literature

Organized Nightmares | 6 | by GT-Kathryn, literature

Organized Nightmares | 5 | by GT-Kathryn, literature

Organized Nightmares | 4 | by GT-Kathryn, literature

Organized Nightmares | 3 | by GT-Kathryn, literature

Organized Nightmares | 2 | by GT-Kathryn, literature

Organized Nightmares | 1 | by GT-Kathryn, literature

Break a Leg by GT-Kathryn, literature

Comments 22

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Hi - thanks for the acceptance! I'm a tiny looking for a Giant to talk with - anyone looking for a new one? 
Well, I've got a few myself, but they're not really...*ahem* 'good'. 

:iconethanthegiant: May talk to you, but he's more into the noms
And whatnot. 

Can anyone recommend any good doctor who or supernatural gt??

I would recommend @/voraciouspanda, they have a lot of good SPN stuff. Other than that, sadly no. 
Awesome! Thanks so much! 
Hey, what do you think about having a contest to make an icon for the group?
I'd volunteer to make prizes. .w.
We tried to promote one, but no one really entered.  >~>  

But you know what, second time's a charm.  :D  If you think people would enter, I"ll try and have a journal up later giving out the info.